"DESCRIPTION 1"="This plug-in can be used to add two commands to the context menu that appears if you right-click a folder (directory) in the Explorer."
"DESCRIPTION 2"="First, enter a name for the command (e.g. "View with Explorer") in the field "Name". Then enter the command that should be executed if the item is selected in the field "Command". The name of the current directory can be inserted through "%1" (e.g. explorer.exe "%1")."
"DESCRIPTION 3"="To remove the command again, clear both the "Name" and the "Command" field and press "Apply"."
"DESCRIPTION 4"="An example:"
"DESCRIPTION 5"="1) Name: View with explorer"
"DESCRIPTION 6"="1) Command: explorer.exe "%1""
"AUTHOR"="Xteq Systems"
"COPYRIGHT"="Copyright ⌐ Xteq Systems - All Rights Reserved"
"COMMENT 1"="For more information, go to http://www.xteq.com or write to TeXHeX@xteq.com."
Sub Plugin_Initialize
s=RegReadValue(sPath1 & sCMD)
if len(s)>0 then
s=RegReadValue(sPath1 & "@")
SetUIElement 1,s
s=RegReadValue(sPath1 & sCMD)
SetUIElement 2,s
end if
s=RegReadValue(sPath2 & sCMD)
if len(s)>0 then
s=RegReadValue(sPath2 & "@")
SetUIElement 3,s
s=RegReadValue(sPath2 & sCMD)
SetUIElement 4,s
end if
End Sub
Sub Plugin_CheckData(ElementIndex)
End Sub
Sub Plugin_Apply(ElementIndex,ElementSubIndex)
if len(s1)>0 or len(s2)>0 then
Call RegWriteValue(sPath1 & sCMD,s2,1)
Call RegWriteValue(sPath1 & "@",s1,1)
if IsEmpty(RegReadValue(sPath1 & sCMD))=false then
Call RegDeletePath(sPath1 & "Command")
Call RegDeletePath(sPath1)
end if
end if
if len(s1)>0 or len(s2)>0 then
Call RegWriteValue(sPath2 & sCMD,s2,1)
Call RegWriteValue(sPath2 & "@",s1,1)
if IsEmpty(RegReadValue(sPath2 & sCMD))=false then